Appointment Booking for On-site Employee Benefits Counseling

Fast, easy booking for employees

  • No registration, no sign-in, and no password required so employees can book meetings with your benefits counselors in just a few clicks
  • No forgotten appointments — automatic text messages and emails are sent for appointment confirmations and reminders
  • Easy to follow links for rescheduling
  • A booking experience tailored to each company with company logo and branding
  • Booking is streamlined with unnecessary steps removed
  • Easy-to-remember custom web address for employees to use for booking

Powerful calendar and appointment tools for your counselors

At a glance

Your counselors' schedules and travel logistics may be hectic, but staying on top of their upcoming appointments doesn't have to be — no matter if they are working at different locations or for different hours each day. Schedapple lets your counselors quickly see all their appointments on one page for the day, week or month.

Tools to manage and track appointments

  • Update appointment statuses as completed, no show, canceled, rescheduled
  • Print out the day's or week's appointments
  • Search upcoming or past appointments by employee name, date, location
  • Capture follow-up items for employees

Managers will spend less time juggling accounts and more time delivering services

Working for multiple clients with multiple active accounts and calendars can be complex and time consuming, always switching between screens, logging in and out of accounts. We've streamlined these processes, making this easy.

  • Our calendars tool allows you to view calendars for multiple locations and for different accounts on one screen and you can even merge them together into a single printable master calendar.
  • It's easy to create multi-location accounts for your clients, with each location having its own timezone so employees always book in their local time.
  • Customize your calendars, dates and work hours to fit the availability of your resources and the needs of different clients. You can setup calendars for individual staff with their individual workhours, a shared calendar for multiple staff, calendars for different rooms, or for different locations.

Our standard and custom reports make it simple to get key metrics quickly

Standard reports include:

  • Work hours report, summarizing the dates and hours your counselors are scheduled at each location
  • Availability report, showing the number of full and open appointment slots
  • Appointments status report, showing the number of completed appointments, upcoming appointments, cancellations, and no shows

Ideal for short-term client engagements

Client engagements for employee benefits enrollment often last for only a short time each year. Schedapple lets you create calendars for specific days. Employees booking appointments will automatically be shown the first available date and time, making it easy for them to book a benefits appointment several weeks in advance.

Don't need the account after open enrollment closes? No problem. With Schedapple there are no contracts. You can open and cancel an account at any time or just pause it, preserving your setup and all of the records, and reactivate it next time you need it. There are no cancellation or reactivation fees.